How Production Scheduling Template Work!

by Rachmat Trenggana, Manufacturing Manager
(Bandung, Indonesia)

I downloaded free version of this template 2 weeks ago when I was looking for a scheduler to make our job easier and I found it in which is very close to the requirement (e.g. 2 shift/day). At that time I thought that this template would be useful to help our cell manager to create scheduling. Then I tried first by myself and I got an idea to use the template with small changes (apologize, I slightly changed the template to match our requirement). I added set up time and formulas to create gantt chart automatically. It works well. Then, since our order vary a lot (it means it take a lot time to put the data in), I created small report direct from database to compile the data and upload it to the template. It works well and now, we can make schedule, visual it, in less than 5 minutes for each work center. Thank you to and the team.

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