Thank you very much for your interesting in Scheduler123 E-Zine which we intend to let you more understanding about the first product from,Scheduler123, Affordable Excel-based Production Scheduling System.

This issue of Scheduler123 E-Zine will demonstrate you about Scheduler Key Features.
Here is Scheduler123 Demonstration outline:
Demonstration Part A
[1] One job order with four operations loading in specific work centers sequenced by operation number using "rescheduling" button
[2] Flexible Gantt Chart with Powerful Visual Control
[3] Apply batch transfer to improve throughput time of job order and meet due date target.
Demonstration Part B
[1] Multiple Job Orders with Mutiple Operations
[2] What if Capacity-I?
[3] Batch Transfer II
Demonstration Part C
[1] Set up Work Center & Calendar
[2] Handle Material Shortage
[3] What if Capacity-II?
Demonstration Part D; Daily Tasks of Scheduler
[1] - Load New Job Order Update Current Job Order
[2] - Rescheduling, What if Capacity?
[3] - Generate Schedule Reports for all concern

Scheduler123 Demonstration Series

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part A

will show you how one job order with four operations can be loaded in specific work centers sequenced by operation number using "rescheduling" button and apply batch transfer to improve throughput time of job order, and finally we can meet due date target.

See Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part A ....

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part B

will show you on the following features:
(1) Automated Finite Capacity Scheduling(FCS) for multiple Job multiple machines
This demonstration will show 2 job orders with 4 shared operations by adding the second job order with the same 4 operations
this demonstration will show you that after click "Rescheduling" button, all job orders will be loaded in specific work centers, and be sequenced by priority number, no earlier than date
(2) Study on how FCS works
The Start Date of 2nd Operation is equal the latest date of either [The End Date of 1st Operation] or [The End Date of the Previous Job Order] or [No Earlier than Date] or [As of Schedule Date]
(No Consideration of Batch Transfer Hour )
(3) Try to sort by Work Center to view in work center dimension
(4) Study on how Batch Transfer works in case of the production run rate (UPH - unit per hour) of current Operation more than the production run rate of the previous Operation.
End Time of Current Operation = End Time of Previous Operation + Batch Transfer Hrs
(5) Adjust unbalanced resource capacity as Bottleneck operation to meet due date target.(this case we adjust UPH from 20 to 30 )

Let's see Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part B.....

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C

we will learn on the following features:
- How to configure work center and cost center
- How calendar works
- How to handle material shortage issue.

(1) How to configure work center and cost center
- Set up cost center ( machine group or production line ) in 'Cost Center' worksheet
- Set up work center ( machine number or production line number ) in 'Work Center' worksheet
- Assign cost center to work center
- Assign calendar to work center ( up to 20 calendars )
Remark - CCWC column combine of cost center running no. & work center running no. and use for report sorting propose.

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C-1

(2) How calendar works
(2.1)Weekly Working Time and Break Time
For each work center can have dedicate calendar or share with other work centers up to implementation strategy
In each calendar, we can set up working time or break time of every week from Monday to Sunday as standard template.
All calenders in this demonstration, C01-C09, use the same working schedule like this:
Working Day: Monday-Saturday ( 6 day per week )
Working Hour: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 ( 8 hour per day )

In this demo. we will use Job-0010, Op No.1 (SMT-01), we will change SMT-01's calendar which currently use calendar-1(C01) swich to calendar-11(C11) which we set working schedule as follow:
Working Day: Monday-Saturday ( 6 day per week )
Working Hour: 8:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00
break time 10:00-10:30 and 15:00:15:30
( total working hour =7 hour per day )

While total hour required is 10 hour and operation start date is Mon 8/9/2010 8:00, the result of operation end date will change from 8/10/2010 10:00 to 8/10/2010 11:30

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C-2.1

(2.2) Individual Calendar with OT on Sunday and Machine Preventive Maintenance for 1 hours
This demonstration also show you to increase capacity at SMT-01 by add 4-hour overtime on Sun 8/15/2010 during 8:00 - 12:00

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C-2.2.1

and decrease capacity by 1-hour preventive maintenance at 8:00 - 9:00 on Tue 8/10/2010

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C-2.2.2

(3) How to handle material shortage issue
While production is running well we often surprise that production line shut down waiting for only one part and impact to the committed due date.
To prevent incompleted-kitted job order, scheduler should contact material planner or who which be concern on job order loading to input shortage material including ETA date in loading requisition formfz56701238zf.
We can input that information by adjust 'No Earlier than Date" in Scheduler123, The production schedule of that job order will not build before that date.

Scheduler123 Demonstration - Part C-3

Scheduler123 Demonstration Part - D
Daily Tasks of Scheduler

In this final session, we will show you on daily tasks of scheduler when use Scheduler123 as tool. You may imagine that if Scheduler123 is your assistant how you can handle daily scheduling tasks more easier.

production scheduling process

( I ) Update Current Job Order & Loading New Job Order
Everyday at least once a day, scheduler need to develop up-to-date production schedule send to all concern
In every morning, scheduler will update information which come from 2 sources:
- Production Supervisor - send Actual Output Report of yesterday including Balance Quantity of each operation as of today(7:00, 8:00, up to start time of shift)
- Account Executive/Program Officer/Material Planner - send Job Order Loading Requisition for new Job Order
Scheduler will update input both sources to Scheduler123's Scheduler Workbench Worksheet like this:

Demonstration Part D-1 : Update Actual Output of each Work Center..... Part D-2 : Loading New Job Order.....

( II ) Rescheduling & What if Capacity?
after update current order and loading new order already, just click on "Rescheduling" button, Scheduler123 will calculate using Forward Scheduling sequencing by Priority number, then by No Earlier than Date. In the same time, all report will be updated automatically.
when the result show in gantt chart, with visual control feature scheduler can see some order don't meet order due date. S/he can identify which operation should be improved.
Scheduler will do What if Capacity? to resolve that issues. In this demonstration will show you 2 solutions, the first choice is running at other machine, the second choice is add 4 overtime hour on Sunday.

Demonstration Part D-3 : Resheduling..... Demonstration Part D-4 : What if Capacity?.....

( III ) Generate Production Schedule to all Concern

Everytime when you click "Rescheduling" button, all report will be updated automatically.

Scheduler123 provides 4 standard reports which you can copy and modify using Pivot Table feature per your requirements.

All fields which show on Scheduler Workbench Worksheet can in show in all custom reports, including 5 user-defined field.

Here is standard reports for you:

(1) Production Schedule by Work Center ( one workcenter one page ) (2) Production Schedule by Work Center (3) Production Schedule by Job Order (4) Production Schedule by Customer

Operator of each work center can use report no.1 as their plan which be achieved, and record actual output send back to scheduler to update production schedule

Production Supervisors and Supervisors in other department, Production Manager, Planning Manager, Pragram Manager or Material Manager and their assistant can use report no. 2-4 to communicate with other or their customers.

Part D-5 : Genarate Porduction Schedule to all Concern....

Scheduler123 Demonstration Reference

Part A : "One Button" Automated Production Scheduling System, Flexible Gantt Chart with Powerful Visual Control, Batch Transfer Type 1
Part B :Multiple Job Orders with Mutiple Operations, What if Capacity? - Bottleneck Capacity Issue, and Batch Transfer Type 2
Part C-1 : How to Configure work center and cost center
Part C-2.1 : Works with Calendar - Weekly Working Time and Break Time
Part C-2.2.1 : Calendar Adjustment - add OT on Sunday for 4 hours
Part C-2.2.2 : Calendar Adjustment - reserve Machine Preventive Maintenance for 1 hour
Part C-3 : How to handle material shortage issue
Part D-1 : Update Current Job Order
Part D-2 : Loading New Job Order
Part D-3 : Rescheduling
Part D-4 : What if Capacity?
Part D-5 : Generate Production Schedule to all Concern

<>, Thank you very much for your attention, I wish you can see how Scheduler123 works for you.

Our affordable finite scheduling system which easy to learn and easy to use waiting for you now, please visit us at

Any question please feel free to contact us at
All the best,
Alongkorn Adunyanon